Welcome to your school photo viewing page

Hello Nativity Families!

I was honored to photograph your children this fall.

To view your child’s school photos, click on the button on the bottom of this page.

Your school will provide your password.

Once you enter you will find your child’s class and then their individual gallery.

You can order prints and collections right from the gallery.

Prints will be shipped to you directly and not to the school.

Digital files will immediately download after purchase.

Your gallery will remain open until January 21, 2022!

Please note, some children are more expressive in front of the camera and some are more reserved. For this reason, not all galleries are equal in size. I aim to prioritize your child’s comfort.

Also, remember we were working outdoors which occasionally lead to changing light, stray hairs and glasses glare.

Tips for Ordering

I know you can’t wait to see your little cuties!

  • When ordering your photos, you will see collections and items. Collections are one pose.

  • Additional poses are available to purchase individually… Because, of course you are going to like more than one!

  • Digital files can be found in the items list. There is an option to purchase all digitals or just one.

  • $30.00 minimum order amount

  • Skin smoothing, teeth whitening or stain removal is available for $15 per image. Email for details.

    Feel free to email with any questions you may have.