All the Eye Rolls

If you've got a teenager you know what I'm talking about. The last thing on earth my teenage son wants to do is let me take his photograph. I usually get a nice strong "NO way!"2z9a3462And don't even mention posting said photograph on any social media...heaven forbid!2z9a34732z9a3459However...sometimes miracles occur and they actually say yes and you think about how fast time has gone and how your baby is 3 inches taller than you.  It's painfully clear he will be gone and off to college in less than 2 years time.  You realize how most of the days are spent apart now while he is learning to navigate through his teenage years and the pressures that are on his shoulders now to achieve and mature even though he's only 15.  The dinners home together are limited, no more trick or treating as a family and the keys to the car are all he will want soon.  I know it...I will blink and it will be here.  I'll miss the books and the dirty socks he leaves around and dare I say this, but the fighting he's mastered with his younger brother, I'll probably miss that too.  I wish I could shield him from the haters and the negativity of this world, but I know I can't.  What I CAN do though,  is hold on and savor this time...even if he is really nasty sometimes and I wonder what strange creature has taken over my kid...Even if he thinks I am the most uncool person in the world and even if he shuts me right down with my too many questions.2z9a34722z9a3457-3Finally...I can keep asking about taking his photograph, even though most of the time he will give me the eye roll and run away,  there will be that occasional miracle when he will say "Yes!"