That precious time with a newborn in the house...All of the dreaming, all of the waiting, all of the preparing...
It's more work, more energy and more love than you even imagined...
And those toes!! I'm SO grateful to be able to capture these moments. Babies change and grow so fast and I hope these images help this new family to hold on to their memories.
One of my goals for 2017 was to be published and I am thrilled to have this image featured in the latest Dear Photographer Magazine...A collection of work with the "Epic Summer" theme from photographers all around the world.If you love imagery, check out their Facebook and IG pages. They are a constant source of inspiration with interviews, helpful tips and of course beautiful photographs. Click below if you would like your copy...
Showing Off!
I just can't resist sharing some of my favorites from 2016. Boy was it hard to choose which images to share! I am so grateful to the families who have chosen me to preserve their memories. Great friends have been made along the way and the journey has only just begun...Aren't they just gorgeous? Thanks for taking a look back with me. I just can't wait to capture moments for my 2017 families!
Welcome Baby Zoe!
I admit it...I cried a few times editing this beautiful gallery. It's not every day you get to witness the miracle of life and I think I'm just going to let the images speak for themselves...Seriously...How beautiful do they all look and Mama just after giving birth!!! Welcome Baby Zoe...the third princess of the household. It was an honor to capture these moments.