Senior Photographer

Alexandria Senior Pictures

WOW! The Class of 2021 Senior season has been off to a fabulous start and it’s been so great to hear about graduations happening…Live and in person!

First up, we have the beautiful Evie…

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Evie requested a natural backdrop for her photographs at a place she’s enjoyed over the years called Huntley Meadows Park in Alexandria, Virginia.

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Since it was the very start of spring, we met at 5:30. We made our way around the birdwatchers and nature photographers and took advantage of the dappled light. There is even a beautiful walkway over the water…

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We had a great afternoon and we are so pleased with the pictures! It was a pleasure meeting and working with you.
— Meredith
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This talented senior was confident and relaxed and such a joy to work with. I am wishing her all the best as she wraps up her time at West Potomac High School and heads off to college this fall.

Haymarket Senior Photos

It’s time…Time to gather up all of the dorm room stuff that’s been piling up since the end of senior year and finally move in! This incredible 2020 grad is finally headed to her top choice college. Sure things will look different for the college freshman this year, but I am so happy she is getting to be on campus.


Mother Nature decided to really show up during my senior sessions that day. We had minutes between downpours. You may even notice some rain drops, but still we managed to get some great images and that rainbow made it all worth it.

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This girl right here is beautiful inside and out. She is confident, strong and knows what she wants out of life…even at 18 years old! She’s all about the positive and such an inspiration to those around her.

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The Class of 2020 has faced many disappointments. My heart truly went out to the parents and students of this class. Cheers Kristin to you and your future..It’s a bright one, no doubt about it.

Haymarket Senior Class of 2020

Because of Covid and the way things have played out for this year’s seniors, I had a lot of rescheduling going on. As soon as Virginia was given the go for non essential businesses to open, I was able to catch up on sessions and boy did it feel good. These three seniors from Haymarket, VA wanted to incorporate their home town into their images so we headed to the historic downtown area. This was the place where they have spent so much of their time while in Northern VA…Walking their dogs, going to school, working their first jobs and just grabbing a cupcake on a Sunday afternoon. As Mother Nature would have it, about 10 minutes in, the sky opened up and rain started to fall. We ran into our cars and waited for it to pass. Having the cloudy sky replace the beautiful sun was discouraging but what came next was so much better.

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We rounded the corner to find the most perfectly placed rainbow. I’m pretty sure they all thought I was nuts loosing my mind over what had turned into an epic sky right above them.

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At that moment I though to myself,
no one deserved a rainbow
more than the Class of 2020!
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In what has been such an uncertain time for our seniors, this moment was one of hope. Cars honked and shouts came as we documented their milestone and we were lucky enough to get individual images before the rain began again. We left content and smiling. It really is a joy for me to be a part of these defining moments.

Please... Just one quick photo.

The clouds were so beautiful yesterday so I asked my girl to let me snap just one quick photo of her...2Z9A7887-2We were visiting my Mother in law who just happens to live right on what's called Silver Bay and with good reason.2Z9A7924-22Z9A7908-22Z9A7934-22Z9A7947-2At first she really wasn't in the mood,  but those clouds and the breeze and the sound of the seagulls all sort of clicked and 15 frames later,  we had a full blown shoot going.2Z9A7956-22Z9A7961-2I'm just a little freaked out about how mature she's looking in these photographs so Universe if you hear me...Can you just slow time down a little bit please?  K thanks! 

Showing Off!

I just can't resist sharing some of my favorites from 2016.  Boy was it hard to choose which images to share!  I am so grateful to the families who have chosen me to preserve their memories.  Great friends have been made along the way and the journey has only just begun...15000852_1680900672221964_4449657882490772715_oscarlett-2016-1792z9a99222z9a99102z9a18982z9a1957angelinas-first-communion-2016-92072z9a9172emilios-first-communion-2016-90702z9a26252z9a26832z9a26702z9a06682z9a1110-2gallagher-family-2016-58-of-80gallagher-family-2016-17-of-80crawford-communion-2016-32brooks-2016-19-of-136brooks-2016-35-of-136brooks-2016-42-of-136gallagher-family-2016-63-of-80sophia-and-mason-fall-2016-33-of-50sophia-and-mason-fall-2016-50-of-50sophia-and-mason-fall-2016-39-of-502z9a22182z9a23212z9a2258bosch-family-2016-16-of-80bosch-family-2016-24-of-80tiffanys-family-session-2016-34-of-57tiffanys-family-session-2016-19-of-57tiffanys-family-session-2016-13-of-57sophias-first-communion-2016-8879sophias-first-communion-2016-8796crawford-boys-2016-26-of-62crawford-boys-2016-44-of-622z9a85422z9a0552brooks-2016-126-of-136brooks-2016-63-of-136Aren't they just gorgeous?  Thanks for taking a look back with me.  I just can't wait to capture moments for my 2017 families!

All the Eye Rolls

If you've got a teenager you know what I'm talking about. The last thing on earth my teenage son wants to do is let me take his photograph. I usually get a nice strong "NO way!"2z9a3462And don't even mention posting said photograph on any social media...heaven forbid!2z9a34732z9a3459However...sometimes miracles occur and they actually say yes and you think about how fast time has gone and how your baby is 3 inches taller than you.  It's painfully clear he will be gone and off to college in less than 2 years time.  You realize how most of the days are spent apart now while he is learning to navigate through his teenage years and the pressures that are on his shoulders now to achieve and mature even though he's only 15.  The dinners home together are limited, no more trick or treating as a family and the keys to the car are all he will want soon.  I know it...I will blink and it will be here.  I'll miss the books and the dirty socks he leaves around and dare I say this, but the fighting he's mastered with his younger brother, I'll probably miss that too.  I wish I could shield him from the haters and the negativity of this world, but I know I can't.  What I CAN do though,  is hold on and savor this time...even if he is really nasty sometimes and I wonder what strange creature has taken over my kid...Even if he thinks I am the most uncool person in the world and even if he shuts me right down with my too many questions.2z9a34722z9a3457-3Finally...I can keep asking about taking his photograph, even though most of the time he will give me the eye roll and run away,  there will be that occasional miracle when he will say "Yes!"