Images That Keep on Giving

I am interrupting my regular session posts, or should I say not so regular since I am so behind on blogging all of the amazing memories from the end of 2021. In between the sweet newborn babies and the excited fabulous seniors I photographed, I submitted some of my work to various publications and gallery exhibits this past year.

sky light sunset outer banks

While on vacation in Nags Head, NC this summer, I set out to get some images of the sunset after what was the rainiest week ever. This was the last frame as my daughter was pointing out the changes in the sky.

The final image was published in National Association of Professional Child Photographers Inspired Magazine!

It was also chosen as part of Praxis Gallery and Photographic Arts Center November photography exhibit in Minneapolis.

I was just notified this image was also selected as part of the Focus on the Story project right here in DC where local artists have their work showcases in a projection exhibit. It is in collaboration with the Exposed DC community of artists.

So yea…this image is definitely one that just keeps on giving.

In August, one of my images was selected to be a part of the city exhibit held at Foley Gallery in New York City. I was actually able to visit and check out the show…

This image of a building facade on Bleeker Street was the featured image. What a great excuse for a NYC weekend getaway too. This exhibit was a collaboration with My Feature Shoot

New York never disappoints.

New York City Skyline

The above image was just chosen as part of the January projection project at Metrobar DC for local artists.

I am thrilled and grateful whenever an image of mine is featured. It means the art I have created has spoken to someone and evoked a feeling or a connection to something. I am honored to grow among such talented artists.

What 2020 Gave

Many photographers will tell you the same thing…We think in light and shape and there’s always a picture being made in our heads. It never stops. The year is coming to a close and I know most of us are pretty happy about it.

2020 took so much away from us and dealt us a hand of fear, of disappointment and uncertainty. We watched as lives were transformed, businesses were devastated, seniors couldn’t properly graduate. Close friends of mine became ill. Another friend lost her husband, the father of their 2 teenage children. I watched as my 14 year old pushed groceries through my parent’s screen door during lock down. So much of it sucked.


In the middle of the chaos, there was some good. This Canon of mine, along with the iPhone have allowed me to hang on to some things actually worth looking back on…

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  1. This moment here…Not open for political debate. This is just me documenting my 12 yr old Asian daughter, watching a woman of African American and Asian descent about to become the Vice President Elect of The United States. History in the making and an image I absolutley had to create…Period, end of story. Shot on Canon 5D Mark III, 35mm 1.4 lens.


2. We said good bye to the toys. Being home allowed us to have the time to clean and reorganize some of our space. Talk about bitter sweet…I cried at least 5 time during this process. The memories that came flooding back…seriously it was hard. The toys piled up here were being donated to a local toy library so at least we knew they were going to have a second life. Shot on Canon 5D Mark III 24-70 mm 2.8 lens.

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3. The Beach…With everyone online for work and school, and only essential businesses open, we were able to escape to The Outer Banks in both Spring and Summer. What a gift this truly was. These were shot on a Canon 5D Mark III 35mm 1.4.

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The best camera is the one you have with you. This was shot with my iPhone.

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Another iPhone image…This was the very first day of synchronous online learning for my high school sophomore. 8:10 AM, unknown territory for most schools and incredibly strange to be so far from the classroom. At least the light was nice.

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4. Time to Help…As we began another school year remotely this September, I was able to assist my daughter if she needed help or motivation, nothing crazy I mean I was never good at Math, but if she needed a snack or wanted to share an idea with me, I was there when normally she would be gone for 7 hours out of the day. How great is that?! This was the 2020 First Day of School image shot on Canon 5D Mark III.

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The above 2 images are what recess at home looked like…Canon 5D Mark III 35 mm 1.4 lens


5. Extra time with my College kid…Having my son home early was for sure the greatest gift of all. He was home to decorate the tree with us and every time I looked up to see him there, it made me happy. This letting our kids go thing is hard! The transition sadness has come in waves over the last year. I am thrilled he was able to attend school on campus for at least some time, but man is it good to have him back! This is again Canon 5D Mark III 35 mm 1.4 lens.

While I am very happy to see 2020 about to exit, I am truly grateful for the moments she gave to me. I am grateful for the time out of the car and not shuffling my daughter to gymnastics practice all week. I am grateful for the extra sleep. I am grateful for the time with my husband where we started to work out together and then both fell off the wagon. I am grateful for technology and it’s ability to connect us when we are craving social interaction. I am grateful for the families who reached out to me to preserve their memories, making this my busiest year yet in this photography journey. Here’s hoping 2021 is gentle and kind and brings you all the health and happiness you deserve.

Saturday | Lifestyle

I know baking with your kids is supposed to be this miraculous bonding experience where you channel all of your ancestors and all of the kitchen gods. You’ve seen all the Instagram posts where the work space is immaculate, the kids are dressed up and clean and everyone is laughing and having a grand time. There are Pinterest worthy treats at the end of course and the kids are just so grateful for the time spent with you right?


I wish you could see my eyes rolling right now. I would say 9 out of 10 times I have agreed to bake with my kids, it’s not quite like the scenario I have described. Projects take about 5 times as long as you planned, there’s a good chance you do not have all the ingredients on hand and the mess that inevitably takes an hour to clean up, well that’s the best part right? Despite all of that, you still do it.


You do it because they are so excited to create something new. You do it to keep them busy and off of the electronics. You do it because their little hands are just so darn cute. You do it because you realize how fast the time is going and soon they won’t be living under your roof. You do it because who really cares about flour all over the floor…it’s really not the big of a deal.


You do it for the tradition, the memories and of course the yummy treat at the end…Regardless of how perfect or imperfect it looks.

My independent and creative girl loves to bake and I will continue to say yes for as long as she wants me to.

Pizza Night

After the beautifully busy holiday season, it was nice to pick up the camera again to document the night my brother made pizza with the littles.  Just a simple pizza dough from scratch...2Z9A29342Z9A29382Z9A2958along with a little bit of extra flour...2Z9A2970Ok, ALOT of extra flour and of course a heart shaped pie made it even more delicious.2Z9A2977Any night I don't have to worry about dinner is a good night in my book.  We miss you already Uncle Joe and Aunt Liz. Come visit again soon!

Please... Just one quick photo.

The clouds were so beautiful yesterday so I asked my girl to let me snap just one quick photo of her...2Z9A7887-2We were visiting my Mother in law who just happens to live right on what's called Silver Bay and with good reason.2Z9A7924-22Z9A7908-22Z9A7934-22Z9A7947-2At first she really wasn't in the mood,  but those clouds and the breeze and the sound of the seagulls all sort of clicked and 15 frames later,  we had a full blown shoot going.2Z9A7956-22Z9A7961-2I'm just a little freaked out about how mature she's looking in these photographs so Universe if you hear me...Can you just slow time down a little bit please?  K thanks!